Trace your waste recovery with blockchain

Connect with producers and increase trust in your waste recovery activity, using blockchain reverse traceability.

Drawings of transformed objects with guaranteed origin thanks to blockchain traceability

Why tracing the recovery process and become a Reviver?

Reviver Recoverers have access to customers who want to reclaim their components within a blockchain-based traceability system with many added advantages:

Recovered materials with R-code superimposed as guarantee of certificate of origin with blockchain traceability

Certificates of origin

3TR recovery chains designed with blockchain technology allow easy and affordable certification of the origin of any recycled material.

Sorted reclaimed materials as an example of efficient sorting essential for blockchain traceability

Efficient sorting

An orderly collection allows materials to be separated by type and quality, increasing their market value while reducing operating costs.

Mobile image showing Revivack traceability as a guarantee achieved through blockchain traceability.

Guaranteed traceability

Thanks to the R-Code, you can certify that your actions in product recovery are truthful and make your work visible with guaranteed transparency.
Dots linked with threads as an example of potential business opportunities with blockchain traceability

Business opportunities

You will enter a network where you will find contacts and new partners for your business, as well as increase your reputation thanks to the traceability guarantee.

What are 3TR chains?

Computer screen with three transformation points exemplifying 3TR chains, process ensured through blockchain traceability

What are 3TR chains?

3TR Chains are flows that reflect each of the steps in the process of recovering a discarded object from the time it is collected until it becomes a raw material.
In order to have total security that the process is real, all the information is instantly dumped in the blockchain to offer Transparency, Trust and Traceability.

Get your certification and become a Reviver

Revivack seal as a guarantee of origin thanks to blockchain traceability

Get your certification and become a Reviver

It is awarded when your company is involved in the collection of discarded items and their transparent recovery. This certification allows you to join the Revivack system and use our technology based on automated reverse logistics and blockchain to receive and trace your unwanted items. This label is based on The Returnable Certified Product Standard RE21.10® and has been recognized by leading organizations.

What do governing entities say about the producer responsibility?

European Directive

Article 27 2018/851

Paris Agreement

Ovais Sarmad, UN Climate Change Deputy Executive Secretary

Sustainable Development

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Directive (EU) 2018/851 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 amending Directive 2008/98/EC on waste.

“The introduction of extended producer responsibility means to support the design and manufacture of goods that fully take into account and facilitate the efficient use of resources throughout their life cycle, including their repair, re-use, dismantling and subsequent recycling, without impairing the free movement of goods in the internal market”.

The shift to a circular economy is essential to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement

“The Paris Agreement calls for a transformation of production and consumption patterns towards a circular economy principles, which means avoiding over-consumption, waste and the use of fossil fuels by leasing, reusing, repairing and recycling existing materials and products.”

Guarantee sustainable consumption and production patterns

“Achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse.”
These directives may seem like a burden, but at Revivack we turn them into an opportunity. Get ahead of the curve and build customer loyalty by certifying your products and recovering them.

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