Frequently Asked Questions

We know that Revivack is a new concept.
Don’t worry, we have an answer for anything you need.

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What is Revivack and who can be part of it?

Revivack promotes the Circular Economy by facilitating the planning and traceability of product recovery

We are the meeting point for all parties involved in product recovery and thanks to our 3TR technology, based on the Blockchain, we can trace the recovery of discarded items. Our certificate is our guarantee.

All manufacturers, trading companies, consultants, product recovery centers or donors who want to get involved, can be part of Revivack and participate in product rescue.

How can I become a Reviver?

A Reviver is any person or entity that participates in the process of recovering a product, either by donating or receiving it and/or recovering it as an entity.

If you represent an entity, you become a Reviver as soon as you register a product and become part of a Receiving Route or a Product Recovery Chain.

If you are an individual donor, you become a Reviver the moment you return a product through our Recoverable Products Marketplace.

Everyone can be a Reviver!

What does it mean to circularize a product?

A product is circular when it has alternatives to be rescued and does not perish in an incinerator, in a landfill or at the bottom of the sea as waste.

For a product to be circular, it has to meet one of these requirements:

  • Their recovery has to be planned before they are produced and sold.
  • Its return has to be controlled to ensure the creation of orderly waste and efficient recovery.
  • The traceability of the recovery has to allow the origin of the recycled raw material to be determined.

Any entity can register one or more products with Revivack and code them, i.e. plan their reception and recovery.

How do I get the Revivack certificate?

The Revivack certificate is the guarantee with which we recognize the direct involvement of an entity in the recovery of one or more products.

It is granted automatically when a Receipt Route or a Recovery Chain is activated.

We also award the seal to other partners involved in the process of the entity that has activated the Route or Chain, as well as to donors who return a product individually.

Why is the R-code important?

The R-code is a QR code issued by Revivack that allows direct access to the return and collection applications of a product, as well as to its traceability data.

It is therefore important because it certifies that it is a Circular Product, so that that its return (collection or reception) and/or recovery is planned. It is the guarantee that it can be easily returned for transparent recovery.

In order to code a product, you have to register it in our application and activate a Route to receive it or a Chain to recover it. The system will automatically assign a QR code to the product.

It’s very easy and we help you!

Why does Revivack use blockchain technology?

At Revivack we use blockchain technology to record and verify every step in the material recovery chain in a transparent and secure way.

What does each actor in a chain do? We explain it with an example of a plastic recovery chain:

Collectors of plastic products record each batch on the blockchain when they collect the materials, including details about the quantity and type of plastic.

The transporters update the record when the materials are moved to the Recovery Centres, providing data on the route and transport conditions.

The Recovery Centres process the plastics (cleaning, shredding, melting) and records are kept at each stage, including the output of new recycled plastic pellets.

Manufacturers who use these pellets to create new products record the use of these materials, completing the traceability cycle from source to final product.

Consumers can verify the entire recycling chain through product R-Codes, and regulators can access the data to ensure regulatory compliance.

In short, the application of blockchain technology in the traceability of the material recovery process offers a robust solution to ensure transparency, trust and efficiency in the recovery of end-of-life products, benefiting all parties involved and contributing to a more sustainable circular economy.


Why should I register my organization?

Because it is your letter of introduction to Revivack and where your partners will come to find out about your activity. We are your loudspeaker!

All you have to do is register as a representative of an organization on Revivack and create a public profile of your organization.

Once you have it ready, share your page and explain to the world what are the real efforts of your organization in the Circular Economy.

How do I register a product?

Registering a product is the first step you must take as an entity wishing to be part of the product recovery.

Once you have registered your organization and completed the public profile, go to the ‘Products’ section and you will be able to ‘Create a new product’.

Here we ask you for the necessary data to create the public page of your product and once completed, the product will appear in our Recoverable Products Marketplace

You will only need to activate it, for this you will need to create a Route to specify how you are going to receive your product for storage. When you activate the route, your product will appear in the Marketplace to be returned.

Do I have to pay to join?

No, anyone, either as an individual or as a representative of a company, can join Revivack and participate in the circularization of products.

Subscriptions and accompaniment

If you intend to circularize your own products or obtain certificates of origin for raw materials, Revivack offers consultancy and accompaniment services, as well as additional applications that facilitate the return and collection of unwanted items, or the traceability of their recovery. Do you need more information?

What is an Individual Return Route?

If the product you want to circulate has been marketed to the final consumer, you will need to design return routes, which are the appropriate channels to collect them individually and start the take-back loop. 

Routes are in fact the combination of a source area, a destination point and a return method, and you can create as many as you need. 

How to create a route?

From your personal dashboard, you can access the ‘Routes’ section and ‘Create a new route’. Fill in the necessary data and follow the steps to activate your route and start receiving.

When the route is active:

  • Your product will be coded and automatically assigned an R-code that will link to your product page.
  • This product will be made available and therefore returnable on the Reclaimable Products Marketplace.
  • We will grant Revivack Certification to your entity and also to others that are part of your Route.

If you already have a Recovery Centre to close the circle, perfect. If not, you can always find the partner you need at Revivack.

And remember, we are here for any questions you may have!

What is a Recovery Chain?

3TR Chains are the flows that reflect each step of the recovery process of a returned product, from the time it is collected until it becomes a raw material.

To ensure that the process is real, information from each step is instantly uploaded to the blockchain to provide transparency, trust and traceability.

When creating a chain, two cases can occur:

  1. If you already know a Recovery Centre for your products, from your personal dashboard, you can invite this entity to register on Revivack.

Once registered, you can sign a collaboration agreement, establish all the steps that the product will go through and finally activate the chain.

  1. If you do not know a Recovery Centre for your products, we will help you to find a similar centre that can recover your products.

Once you have found one, you can send them an invitation and follow the same steps: sign a collaboration agreement, establish all the steps the product will go through and finally activate the Chain.

When the chain is active:

  • Your product will be coded and automatically assigned an R-code that will link to your product page. 
  • We will grant Revivack Certification to your entity and also to others that are part of your Chain (such as shops or distribution centres).

By activating Recovery Chains you are closing circles. Thank you for being a key part of circularization.

As a donor, how can I return a product and do I have to pay for shipping?

To return an unwanted item, you need to log in to our Circular Marketplace, choose the product you want to return and follow the instructions.

You will be able to return your unwanted items in different ways (by post, in-store delivery, etc.), depending on the Routes offered by each entity. Some of them may have associated costs. Check each product and the possibilities offered by the companies. 

Once you choose the return method you prefer, you will receive an email with which you can benefit from the reward associated with that particular product.

What happens if I can't find the product I want to return in the circular market?

Revivack is young, so it’s possible that you still can’t find the product you want to return. But don’t worry because we will work to get it back to you as soon as possible. What do you have to do?

  1. Register on Revivack as an individual user.
  2. Upload a photo and the name of the product
  3. We’ll let you know when you can return it.


Can I register and receive a product from other brands?

Yes, if your entity is dedicated to recovering generic products, you can register it in Revivack and explicitly write the brands that you can recover.

I am a Recovery Centre: can I register the products I recover?

Of course, you can!

Go to your personal panel and in the ‘Products’ section you can ‘Create a new product’

Fill in the necessary fields to register your product and it will appear in the Recoverable Products Marketplace.

You will only need to activate it, and to do so you will need to create and activate a Reception Route so that any interested organization or individual donor can send you the product you are recovering.

How is the orderly collection of a stored product carried out?

In order for your product to be retrieved after being stored in an orderly manner, you need to:

1- Locate the right partner who retrieves the materials of your product. We can help you!

2- Sign a collaboration agreement that specifies how to act, such as the minimum amount of product you need to store so that it can be recovered, or who sends this amount to the Recovery Centre and how, etc. You will find a proposal for an agreement to make it easier for you!

3- Once you have stored enough product, all you have to do is go to your personal dashboard and order the collection of your product from your recovery partner. He/she will receive the notification and will proceed to pick it up.

I want to retrieve my product, but I can't store it, how do I do it?

If, as an organization, you have a clear intention to recover the products you manufacture and/or market, but you do not have storage capacity or simply do not wish to store them in your facilities, you have two options:

1- Diversify the collection points for your products: they can be warehouses, offices or shops related to your organization that can act as recipients of your products.

2- You can always look for and contact another entity in Revivack that performs this task for you and reach a collaboration agreement within our system.

How do I find partners who can help me circulate my product?

Within the Revivack system, you will soon be able to search for and contact another entity to help you in the different steps of circularization. For the time being, we will accompany you in the process.

Once you have found them, you can send them an invitation to join your Route or Chain. Once the invitation is accepted, you can contact this entity, establish the collaboration agreements and continue with the circularization steps.